
Pippali / Piplamool

An Ayurvedic treatment called Pippali or Pipla mool Powder is to know about the treatment. Many people refer to pippali as long pepper. Traditional medicine uses this Ayurvedic medicine to treat various types of health problems due to its special properties. Diabetes patients can benefit from Pippali, as it helps control blood sugar levels. As well as this, it is also beneficial in removing obesity, liver problems, bacterial infections, sexual health problems, and women’s problems.

How pippali can benefit you

Getting rid of obesity 
Use this Ayurvedic medicine to lose weight. Weight loss is one of the benefits of pippali.

Taking pippali to treat diabetes 
Diabetes is one of the most serious diseases affecting human health. It is possible for diabetes to damage almost every system in our body. However, pippali is very beneficial for diabetics

Maintain a healthy liver 
It helps in removing toxic substances inside your liver during your metabolic process when you consume pippali regularly. In addition to protecting the liver from infection, pippali is also a natural antibiotic.

Benefits of Piplamool
It is very beneficial for men who suffer from infertility, impotence, and premature ejaculation to use Pippali. If Pippali is consumed regularly by these peop

A strong bone structure means a strong body. It strengthens your entire body’s bones and improves their overall health when you use long pepper.

Menstruation benefits 
Menstrual problems and related health problems can be very uncomfortable and painful for women. It is recommended that women take Pippali regularly to avoid problems like this.


1. Pippali Churna
a. Take 4-8 pinch of Pippali churna.
b. Swallow it with honey or milk after lunch and dinner.

Pippali’s benefits for toothache

When rubbed on gums and teeth, Pippali powder helps reduce toothaches. Several dental problems such as a toothache may be caused by an imbalance in Kapha dosha, according to Ayurveda. Having a Kapha balancing effect, Pippali helps to manage toothache symptoms.

1. Take ¼-½ teaspoon of Pippali powder.
2. Mix with ½-1 teaspoon of honey and make a paste.
3. Rub the teeth once or twice a day to manage a toothache.


Names in different languages

Botanical Piper Longum
Pipal, Pippali, Pipli
English Long pepper
Sanskrit vaidahi, Chapla,
Kannada Hippali
Gujarati Piparimul, Pipar
Tamil Tipili, Pippilli
Marathi Pimpali
Oriya Baidehi
Telgu Pippalu
Bengali Peppul
Malyalam Tippali
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

100gm, 200gm, 400gm


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