
Kali Mirch, also known as black pepper, has a very pungent flavor. Whole forms of it are usually available, but they are mainly used in curries, gravies, and biryanis. Salads are often served with pepper shakers. Yes, it was identified as ground and sprinkled on salads. With a touch of black pepper powder and salt, any dressing and salad taste better.

Spices such as Kalimirch or black pepper are commonly found in every household. There are many culinary uses for it, as well as medicinal ones.
The body’s metabolism is improved by it, so it aids digestion and aids in weight loss. Also, it acts as an antidiarrheal and antisecretory agent, which can be used to treat diarrhoea.
Known for its antitussive (relieving cough) and anti-asthmatic properties, Kalimirch is beneficial for coughs and respiratory problems. When you have throat problems or a cough, you can drink Kalimirch tea (kwath). The aphrodisiac properties of Kalimirch powder help to improve the sexual desire and performance of men.

Health benefits of Kali mirch/Black Pepper

It prevents any type of cancer
According to reports, it contains antioxidants, vitamin A, and carotenoids that help fight cancer.

When consumed raw, black pepper aids digestion, and hydrochloric acid is released by the stomach to break down proteins.

Defends against constipation
It is possible to suffer from constipation if you have fewer than three stools per week. Pepper can solve this problem, however, if you add some before you eat

Suitable for treating skin problems
It is said that the ‘King of Spices’ prevents pigmentation of the skin (vitiligo). A white patch is a condition that causes your skin to appear white. While many medicines are available on the market to restore your skin’s color, black pepper protects your skin from pigmentation and helps maintain its original color.

Boosts the health of your hair
Black pepper is said to be good for treating dandruff. The only thing you need to do is mix crushed black pepper with curd and apply it to your scalp for at least 30 minutes. You should also avoid using too much black pepper as this can burn your scalp.

Helps you lose weight
It is easy to lose weight with this miracle spice when you add it to green tea and drink it twice or three times a day. It breaks down excess fat due to its high phytonutrient content.

Treats respiratory diseases
Black pepper is said to cure colds and coughs, which are normal respiratory problems. You’ll see a difference when you simply sprinkle some black pepper on some green tea.

Names in different languages.

Botanical Piper nigrum
Hindi kaali mirch
English Black pepper
Maricha, Vellaja, Kalimirch
Kannada Kari menasu
Marathi Kali miri
Gujarati Kala mari
Bengali Gola marica
Tamil karumilaku
Malayalam kurumulak
Telgu Nalla miriyalu


Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

50gm, 100gm, 200gm, 400gm, 800gm


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